Why People Use Club Soda To Banish Grease Stains From Tile Floors & Does It Work?

Imagine you've just completed a recipe you've worked hard to perfect. As you prepare to dispose of the cooking oil, the greasy ingredient splashes from your pan onto your precious tile floor. You're left with the less-than-ideal task of cleaning the oil stain and residual trail of grease — almost habitually, you may reach for the club soda as a quick and easy way to banish grease. Unfortunately, while there are several unexpected ways you can use club soda around the house, it's not an effective way to get rid of grease. Despite its growing popularity when it comes to cleaning trends, you may want to turn to vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap instead.

The myth that club soda cleans grease stains is not based entirely on false claims. Club soda is an effective cleaning agent when it comes to carpet stains, cast iron cleaning, jewelry polish, and more. Club soda is produced with carbonation and sodium that can help clean easy stains, make surfaces shine, and is harmless compared to other cleaning agents. While it's a great solution for many problems, grease stains are not one of them. We'll walk you through the science of club soda and alternate ways to get rid of that grease stain from your tile floor.

Why club soda doesn't work on grease stains

Unfortunately, club soda isn't made with grease-dissolving properties. Club soda doesn't contain the same properties as products like mineral spirits and hexane which are capable of dissolving grease. Since club soda is made from water, sodium, and carbonation, it's great for dissolving water-based stains like red wine or ketchup. If you mix club soda with grease, however, it may contribute to a larger problem by leaving the grease to fester as a result of choosing the wrong product. Club soda can help polish tile floors with its natural cleaning abilities, but it's not equipped to handle everything that lands on your tile floor.

Additionally, carbonated water can easily set grease stains rather than lift them. Much like oil and grease don't mix well with plain water, carbonated water will achieve the same effect that plain water would — you'd never use plain water to clean up a tough stain, right? Instead, you'll want to turn to something more acidic with a low pH like vinegar, baking soda, and even a bit of dish soap. 

How to clean grease stains

If you've tried and failed to clean the grease stain using club soda, don't worry — there are alternative ways to get rid of grease. Before using any other products to lift the stain, take a clean paper towel and blot the surface (don't wipe to avoid spreading!). Once you've blotted away as much oil as possible, you're ready to create an effective cleaning solution. Mix ⅛ cup of vinegar, ⅛ cup of baking soda, and 16 cups (one gallon) of warm water. Complete the solution by adding a squirt of grease-cutting dish soap. If you're only targeting a small amount of surface area, feel free to cut the measurements in half.

After you've mixed the solution, grab a sponge or microfiber cloth and dip it in the solution before scrubbing away at the greasy stain. While it's okay to wipe back and forth, consider moving in circular motions so that you're picking up the entirety of the stain. Once you've wiped the area clean, go over it with a clean mop. If you want to be completely sure that the stain is removed with no trace, polish off the area using mineral spirits.