Emily Mendez

Photo of Emily Mendez
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indiana University, Bloomington
Home Improvement, Design, Cleaning Hacks
  • Emily loves learning about home improvement, remodeling, and design.
  • On the weekends, she enjoys binge-watching her favorite HGTV shows like "Beach Hunters."
  • One of Emily's areas of expertise is home organization and the satisfaction that comes with finding a home for misplaced things.


Emily has more than eight years of experience as a writer. In 2023, she joined House Digest as a news writer, covering a range of topics—from home improvement and cleaning to gardening, real estate, and design. In addition to home and design topics, she is interested in writing about mental health. Her work has appeared in eCounseling, TherapyTribe, and Sondermind. She also occasionally writes about travel.


Emily has a bachelor's degree in psychology from Indiana University, Purdue University in Indianapolis, a master's degree in mental health counseling, and an Ed.S. degree in counseling psychology from IU in Bloomington. She also has a specialization in content strategy from Northwestern University in Chicago.
House Digest Editorial Policies

House Digest uses a knowledgeable team of editors, writers, and experts to create all our content. We dive deep into the always-evolving conversations surrounding design and home trends, striving to deliver the most current and helpful tips, strengthened by expert takes and tutorials from our talented team.

As we cover many fields of expertise, we make it a priority to ensure every beat remains fresh and comprehensive. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Emily Mendez