Kaleigh Brillon

Photo of Kaleigh Brillon
Lubbock, TX
Texas Tech University
Organic Gardening, Budget Gardening, Houseplants
  • Kaleigh has always been fascinated with plants, but a required plant biology course in college reignited the fire and led her to write about gardening.
  • She loves to find ways to save money in the garden and make the most of what she has.
  • She prefers organic gardening methods and letting the plants grow how they please. She doesn't always plan or prune her plants.


Kaleigh has been freelance writing since 2020 and spent most of this time writing about gardening. She's a self-taught gardener who loves learning about plants as much as she loves writing about them. Her favorite part about writing for House Digest is teaching her readers that gardening can be accessible without breaking the bank.


Kaleigh earned a bachelor's degree in English at Texas Tech University with a minor in technical communication.
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Stories By Kaleigh Brillon