Nicole Moore

Photo of Nicole Moore
Portland, Oregon
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Spalding University
HGTV News, Home Decor, Design Hacks
  • Nicole Moore enjoys making her home a warm, unique space by collecting items from thrift stores and estate sales.
  • She feels most relaxed when watching HGTV.
  • She is usually on Pinterest, collecting tips and tricks to help keep her space clean, relaxing, and inviting.


Nicole Moore has been a professional writer for nearly 10 years. After graduating with a degree in English, she was a reporter for Crescenta Valley Weekly, a newspaper based in La Crescenta, California, before deciding to get her MFA in Writing at Spalding University. As of December 2020, Nicole has been an entertainment reporter for, where she previously reported on HGTV news. She is also the chief content officer for Woof Republic, an online lifestyle magazine for dog lovers. For that publication, Nicole often shares tips on how best to share your living space with a furry friend.


In 2015, Nicole graduated with an English degree from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She later attended Spalding University and received an MFA in writing in 2019.
House Digest Editorial Policies

House Digest uses a knowledgeable team of editors, writers, and experts to create all our content. We dive deep into the always-evolving conversations surrounding design and home trends, striving to deliver the most current and helpful tips, strengthened by expert takes and tutorials from our talented team.

As we cover many fields of expertise, we make it a priority to ensure every beat remains fresh and comprehensive. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Nicole Moore