The Popular Herb That Will Make Your Zucchini Thrive In The Garden

Zucchini is a sun-loving vegetable that can produce harvests of up to 10 pounds per plant. Zucchini's winding vines and edible flowers make it a satisfying plant to grow. Unfortunately, it's prone to pests like squash bugs, whiteflies, squash vine borers, and aphids. However, companion planting can help keep the bugs at bay. Companion planting helps effectively utilize space, deter pests, suppress weeds, attract beneficial insects, and improve soil health.

Lavender is a popular zucchini companion plant because it attracts pollinators and beneficial insects while deterring pests. Zucchini flowers must be pollinated to produce fruit. But sometimes, this doesn't happen, and you have to pollinate flowers by hand. By planting companion plants that pollinators are already drawn to, you have a better chance of your zucchini flowers becoming pollinated naturally rather than doing it yourself. Interplanting lavender and zucchini can also help create a natural barrier against pests. Lavender's fragrant scent helps deter common pests, such as squash bugs and whiteflies, which can wreak havoc on your zucchini.

Can you plant other herbs with zucchini?

While lavender is a great companion plant for zucchini, it's not the only herb that grows well with it. Dill, parsley, rosemary, oregano, and mint are great companion herbs. These herbs repel pests and contribute to soil health by improving soil structure and moisture retention due to their rooting habit. As a result, they reduce the need for watering and help with maintenance and water conservation in the garden.

When you plant zucchini alongside lavender or other herbs, you'll want to allow proper spacing a few feet away from your zucchini. Lavender's bushy and vertical growth habit makes it a great addition to the edges of your garden, but the correct spacing prevents the zucchini from entangling or overgrowing onto it. Like the other herbs mentioned, lavender's root system may help break up the soil, improve draining and aeration, and help prevent erosion and runoff, which can decrease nutrients in the soil and hinder the growth of plants.

What plants grow well with zucchini and lavender?

Other plants that grow well with zucchini and lavender include marjoram, rosemary, radish, borage, yarrow, and beans. These companions all have similar growing conditions to those of zucchini and lavender, making them ideal additions to your garden. Some of these plants, like beans, fix nitrogen and add nutrients to the soil, while others, like marjoram and rosemary, help repel insects.

Because zucchini and lavender are native to the Mediterranean, they thrive in similar growing conditions. This means their optimal growing conditions mimic their native habitats of slightly acidic to neutral soil, full sun, and well-draining soil. Similarly, Mediterranean native plants like marjoram, rosemary, and borage also flourish in these growing conditions. Adequate air circulation is also necessary for zucchini and lavender, as poor air circulation increases the risk of diseases. Regularly pruning your plants when you notice slow growth or productivity can help increase airflow and encourage your plant to produce fruit. By incorporating lavender and other plants that establish symbiotic relationships with zucchini, you can help it thrive this summer and produce bountiful harvests.