Charlotte Sears

Photo of Charlotte Sears
New Mexico
Stony Brook University
Organic Gardening, Landscaping Design, Horticulture
  • She has worked on an organic vegetable farm, as a farm manager, and in a greenhouse as a horticultural technician.
  • She has previously gardened in Zone 7A but loves learning about organic gardening and native plants in the high desert, Zones 5b and 6a.
  • She designed and planted the Stony Brook University logo in red and white begonias at the university's entrance in 2019.


Upon attaining her bachelor's degree, Charlotte discovered a profound passion for nurturing her love for horticulture. She immersed herself in the industry, gaining invaluable hands-on experience and advancing both her expertise and admiration for plants and landscaping. Initially contributing to outdoor gardening websites, her writing journey has evolved to encompass diverse subjects, spanning from home improvement to lifestyle and design. Her commitment to bridging the gap between nature and human spaces is evident in her work, reflecting a deep-rooted love for the green world and a keen eye for aesthetic harmony.


Charlotte graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor's in sustainability studies while working as a horticultural assistant and farm manager.
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Stories By Charlotte Sears