Jessica Daniels

Photo of Jessica Daniels
Columbus, OH
The Ohio State University
The Home Depot, Comfortable Chairs, Built-in Bookcases
  • Jessica used to doodle architectural designs for her dream house as a child.
  • She believes in completely overhauling her kitchenware every few years.
  • She can be wooed with charger plates.


Jessica lacks the skills of a great housekeeper, but aspires to one day learn to fake them. She has an eye for color and patterns and a good spacial imagination with which to fantasize about remodeling once she wins the lottery. She loves to shop for other people, but struggles to remember that more is not always better. She has always loved to write and has freelanced off and on since 2014. Currently, Jessica is working on a book of terrible poems.


Jessica earned a BA in English from The Ohio State University, with a focus on creative writing, in 2001.
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Stories By Jessica Daniels